Introducing letterpress printing through professional learning workshops at UWTSD





University of Wales, Trinity Saint David are delivering a series of Craft Hub professional learning workshops to introduce Art & Design practitioners from a range of specialist disciplines including, textiles, design craft and photography, to the traditional craft of letter press printing.

The Craft Hub printmaking professional learning workshop was delivered at Swansea College of Art, UWTSD’s specialist print workshops.  As an explorative practical workshop participants were introduced to the basic techniques of woodblock hand and press printing using traditional Alexandra press and letter pressing using Adana letterpress machines.

UWTSD has an extensive Printmaking studio with facilities for Lino, Screenprint, Etching & Collagraph, Risograph Printing and a Letterpress studio with four Adana letterpress machines and bookmaking equipment. Over a further 3 sessions planned for 2023 the participants will have the opportunity to experiment with these processes and consider them in the context of their own craft based practice.

We look forward to sharing the development of the practice based outcomes on the Craft Hub platform.