Design craft through experimentation – Crafthub Maker Exchange Residency



21 – 25 March 2022
Organised by: University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Crafthub partner UWTSD (Swansea, Wales) was delighted to welcome six visiting craft makers from across Europe to visit Swansea and work alongside our staff and students, over a period of two weeks, from Monday, March 21, 2022.

The visiting makers worked within the University’s specialist Design Crafts and Surface Pattern Design studios, using a range of traditional and cutting-edge facilities, supported by expert technicians and academics.

Our visiting makers were introduced to wax modelling and glass-casting; computer-aided-design for Craft; CNC milling as well as metal enamelling. Our makers got plenty of studio time to experiment with processes and materials and to create samples for Craft Hub’s material library.

Each maker gave a presentation to our BA and MA students in craft-related disciplines, sharing valuable insights into their practice and approaches to sustaining a career in Craft.  Our students and staff drew much inspiration from the visiting makers and their creative work.

Our visiting craft practitioners were kind enough to agree to a film interview, to discuss their background, their creative work, inspiration and passion for Craft.

We will be sharing further outputs from the residency over the coming weeks and months, and look forward to following up with our makers to see how the residency shapes their future work.