Francisca Martins
I work mostly with ceramics, approaching the various techniques that it offers
Artist Statement
Keeping the main focus on sculpture, I develop the practical part in other ceramic techniques through small formations. I started practicing and learning how to work with glass this year in the Masters of Arts and Sciences of Glass and Ceramics
What craft do you work with?
Ceramics – Glass – Painting with a technique called dry rope and then applied with glazes.
What inspires you to work with this craft?
Wanting to explore different ways and techniques of representing each figure, both in a two-dimensional and three-dimensional perspective. They are illustrations inspired by the human figure, which have an expression of astonishment, intrigue and constant questioning, referring to a naïve existence of the human being as a figure that IS, LIVES and LOOKS
A concept of deformation, irregularity, disorganization and inconstancy always interested me and unconsciously took shape in my work
How do you start your creative process?
I made some doodles in the daily notebook, to relax from the routine of everyday life
Are there new techniques you would like to try?
I hope to acquire knowledge that will help me to develop projects and works in which I can join and interconnect with ceramic pieces alongside Glass
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